Sunday, January 25, 2015

There and back again, A missionary's tale‏ {January 21}

Well this is the last time you'll receive my annoying forward... How sad. Last time writing as a missionary. So bittersweet. All of these feelings have been collecting over time. We had a conference on the 15th and in the end they called up the people who were leaving to give some advice. I was so nervous haha just like always, but oh well. Then on the 19th we had an activity as a mission. I was so happy I got to see all of my friends before I leave. The mission has been good to me, ain't that the truth. We played games and ate amazing american food hahah. I got to see Chandler and he talked about my converts in Cañete, so cool he's there now. Funny thing though coming back home all of the bus tickets that were left were way late. So we didn't up in our house until 12:30 at night. Of course we walked fast like Speedy Gonzales and called our zone leaders when we got home. Yesterday I had my last district meeting, we all shared our testimonies and they saved me for last... It's so hard trying to sum up everything you've learned in the mission. I learned so much!

I don't want this to end, I still feel like there's so much more to learn. More time to better my spanish, more time to meet others and share the gospel. Though I know all of the things I've learned now will help me continue onward. This time has helped me so much, I was able to really understand that their are people who love me. Sometimes I didn't recognize it, but I was able to turn to my Heavenly Father. Prayer has been the best medicine for me. Also the other day came across this specific part in a scripture that says, "Entiende, hija mía, que todas estas cosas te servirán de experiencia, y serán para tu bien."DyC 122:7 I know that there were certain things that had to happen to me during this time. The bitter and the sweet, but it was all for my good. I'm so grateful for everything that has happened, because their was a reason. Maybe I don't know exactly why, but He'll let me know in His own time. I know this is the true church, and that Joseph Smith helped restore this gospel on the earth today. The Atonement is very real, and I know we can all be forgiven and get back up and start over again. Jesus is the Christ, He lives. God loves us and wants us to be happy. This life is amazing but I know it's only thanks to Them. Thanks to a Heavenly Father who cares about me and my brother Jesus Christ who loves me. We can be together again. Thanks for supporting me through this adventure. Though I know the journey is only beginning... Para siempre Dios este con vos. 

See ya later crocodiles,
Hermana Melody Anderson

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